Monday, April 20, 2009

We were attacked...

by the Devil on Sunday morning. It seems like he was trying really hard to get us to stay home and not go to church. I was really tired, if the kids weren't fighting they were bickering with eachother, I went through about 5 wardrobe changes, and to top it off, I felt like we were running late. Luckily for me, I got dressed after Simon did a bug spit-up. But alas, the Devil didn't win, as he never does. We made it to church, with time to spare, and got to praise God and listen to an awesome message.


  1. wow, I wish I could have good days where were on time. No matter what Satan is getting in our sunday mornings! I wish he would go away so we could be on time!

  2. I don't think that being on time is as important as being there. If you can get there, regardless of what time it is, then you've won that battle.
