Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 6-Returning Movies & Pizza

Friday-Still no power at 5:00 a.m. and it's nice and humid here. We left the house around 11:00 and drove around looking at the damage to the base, then went to return the movies. Bad idea!! The main gate was closed, the next closest gate was only allowing incoming traffic, so we had to go the gate farthest from our destination. On top of that, the bridge was closed, so I think it was the longest drive ever, just to return some movies and grab lunch, that we ate in the van. Total time was 2 hours!

At least by the time we got home the power was back on!! But it wasn't to last, at least our for our oven. Wen't to preheat the oven for our weekly pizza, and the oven only got up to 185 degrees after 10 minutes. And then Simon did a super-duper projectile puke. Yea. That sucked.

Did I mention that our church, Church at Red River, is awesome? I actually asked for help, and they brought us some pizza! Thanks so much!

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