Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Wednesday, right?

I think I have the right day. Pretty sure we got paid today, if not, we're in for a shock when that check hits the bank account! Really confusing with the boys being out of school for spring break and Josh being at school. I'm amazed that the boys are even getting a spring break. Their school has the craziest school days this year. They were supposed to go to school on Labor Day, but thanks to a hurricane, the govenor cancelled school for Monday AND Tuesday-Ha! Take that!! But the biggest kicker is that the school district scheduled Memorial Day as a regular school day-and then even went further and scheduled the Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony for that day. I am beyond livid about this one. I'm also really glad that Caleb doesn't have to attend the ceremony to promote to 1st grade, because he and Elijah are getting an extra day off this year. :)

Besides that, we've had a great day today! We got our errands done with no fighting or anyone running off inside the store or the parking lots. A close friend brought us enough dinner for three nights-and it's really, really yummy. Then we went for a walk, Pete stepped in dog poop for the first time, and everyone went to bed with no problems!! Thank you Lord!

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